Three multiplier events were organized after a part of the project intellectual outputs were available on the learning platform. Local rural administration representatives had the opportunity to follow the OERs.
ME1 Sustainable practices in waste management for rural communities
27 Mai 2022, organized by “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
The main goal of this event was to offer training and disseminate knowledge on basic guidelines in sustainable practices in waste management for rural communities.

ME2 On site working with the local rural representatives
20 October 2022, organized by Transilvania University of Brasov @ Prejmer town hall, Brasov County
The aim of this event was to facilitate the transfer/ spread of information and good practices examples on environmental issues to local leaders. It was organized at the Prejmer town hall, Brasov County, as a micro community event.
ME3 On site working with the local rural representatives
27 October 2022, organized by Transilvania University of Brasov @ Bod town hall, Brasov County
The aim of this event was to facilitate the transfer/ spread of information and good practices examples on environmental issues to local leaders. It was organized at the Bodtown hall, Brasov County, as a micro community event.