Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.
This project has been funded with support from the Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeships and Youth Entrepreneurship Programme (ESAYEP), EEA Grants 2014-2021, Cooperation Projects in the Higher Education area.

ME1 Sustainable practices in waste management for rural communities – documents

  1. Invitation ME1 TUIASI
  2. Agenda ME1 TUIASI_en
  3. EnvEdu-OERs project presentation ro
  4. TM3.1. Environmental management
  5. TM3.2. Circular economy
  6. TM3.3. Environmental impact and risk assessment
  7. TM3.3. Environmental impact and risk assessment video eng
  8. TM4.1. Waste management in rural communities
  9. TM4.2. Biomass waste. Household waste
  10. TM4.2. Biomass waste. Domestic waste text
  11. TM4.2. Biomass waste. Household waste video 1 ro
  12. TM4.2. Biomass waste. Household waste video 2 ro
  13. TM4.2. Biomass waste. Household waste video 3 ro
  14. TM4.4. Legislative framework for waste management
  15. TM4.5.1. Case study no. 1_Salacea ZW
  16. TM4.5.2. Case study no. 2_Chicken Waste
  17. EnvEdu – Policy recommendations
  18. Tutorial for accessing the platform
  19. ME1_TUIASI May 27, 2022 Press release